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Information Systems Engineering Undergraduate Program

General Information

The Information Systems Engineering program aims to meet the demand for well-qualified human resource in the 21st century, also called the Information Era. The Electronic and Computer Engineering programs lead to expertise in the electronics and computer hardware and software, respectively. The program covers theory and its application in information and its gathering, computing, storage, management, communication, modeling and evaluation. The program is built around the established foundations of Electronic Engineering which includes strong basic sciences, mathematics, signals and systems, signal processing, multimedia, electronics, communications and computer fields.


Our Department offers education in modern laboratories equipped with latest educational technologies and classrooms containing multi projection systems and strong Internet connections. Our department is ready to become a leader in Turkey and neighboring countries with its well-qualified academic staff consisting of 8 professors, 4 associate professors and 3 assistant professors who graduated from the most prominent postgraduate programs at world-famous institutions in different countries.

Career Opportunities

The graduates can be employed in organizations of public and private sectors where information technologies are applied, designed and developed. They will also be employed in organizations where they will be responsible for planning, application and administration of information systems. Those who would prefer to work privately could practice their profession as consultants on information systems and provide engineering services. The Information Technologies (IT) sector is the fastest developing sector in the market and the graduates of the Information Systems Engineering program will be preferred either in this sector or in related sectors.


Tel: +90 392 630 1301
Fax: +90 392 365 1648

Please contact to department and/or faculty for detailed information about courses.

Ref. Course Code Course Title Lec. Lab Tut. Credit ECTS Syl.
Semester 1
28711 EENG112 Introduction to Programming 4 - 1 4 8
28712 ENGL181 Academic English - I 5 - 1 3 4
28712 ENGL191 Communication in English - I 3 - 1 3 4
28713 PHYS101 Physics - I 4 - 1 4 6
28714 MATH151 Calculus - I 4 1 - 4 6
28715 MATH163 Discrete Mathematics 3 - 1 3 5
Semester 2
28720 INFE102 Introduction to Information Systems Engineering - - - - 2
28721 TUSL181 Turkish as a Second Language 2 - - 2 2
28721 HIST280 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Reforms 2 - - 2 2
28722 PHYS102 Physics - II 4 - 1 4 6
28723 MATH106 Linear Algebra 3 - 1 3 5
28724 MATH152 Calculus - II 4 1 - 4 6
28725 ENGL182 Academic English - II 5 - 1 3 4
28725 ENGL192 Communication in English - II 3 1 - 3 4
Semester 3
28731 EENG212 Algorithms and Data Structures 4 - 1 4 6
28732 INFE221 Electrical Circuits 4 - 1 4 8
28733 UE01 University Elective - I 3 - - 3 3
28734 MATH207 Differential Equations 4 - 1 4 6
28735 MATH322 Probability and Statistical Methods 3 - 1 3 5
Semester 4
28741 INFE213 Object Oriented Programming 4 - 1 4 8
28741 CMPE211 Object Oriented Programming 4 - 1 4 -
28742 EENG226 Signals and Systems 4 - - 4 8
28743 INFE242 Electronics 4 - 1 4 8
28744 MATH252 Mathematical Methods for Engineers 4 - 1 4 6
28745 UE02 University Elective - II 3 - - 3 4
Semester 5
28751 INFE214 Software Engineering 4 - 1 4 6
28751 CMSE201 Fundamentals of Software Engineering 4 - 1 4 -
28752 EENG360 Communication Systems - I 4 - 1 4 7
28753 INFE312 Information Management 4 - 1 4 6
28753 CMPE353 Database Management Systems 4 - 1 4 -
28754 EENG420 Digital Signal Processing 4 - 1 4 6
28755 EENG315 Introduction to Logic Design 4 1 - 4 7
Semester 6
28761 INFE216 Computing Systems 4 - 1 4 6
28761 CMPE242 Operating Systems 4 - 1 4 6
28762 EENG312 Microcontroller Applications 4 - 1 4 6
28763 INFE320 Data Communications and Computer Networks 4 - 1 4 7
28763 CMPE344 Computer Networks 4 - 1 4 -
28764 INFE362 Digital Communication 4 - 1 4 7
28765 ENGL201 Communication Skills 3 - 1 3 4
Semester 7
28771 INFE405 Graduate Design Project Proposal 1 1 - 1 1
28772 INFE403 Summer Training - - - - 1
28773 INFE421 Client Server Computing 4 - 1 4 6
28773 CMPE342 Client/Server Programming 4 - 1 4 7
28774 INFE467 Information Theory 4 - 1 4 7
28775 CMPE451 Information Security 4 1 1 4 7
28775 CMPE471 Automata Theory 4 - 1 4 7
28775 CMSE321 Software Requirements Analysis and Specification 4 - 1 4 7
28775 CMPE466 Computer Graphics 4 - 1 4 7
28775 CMPE423 Embedded System Design 4 - 1 4 7
28775 CMPE416 Object - Oriented Programming and Graphical User Interfaces 4 - 1 4 7
28775 CMPE371 Analysis of Algorithms 4 - 1 4 7
28775 AE01 Area Elective - I 3 - - 3 7
28775 CMSE326 Software Quality Assurance and Testing 4 - 1 4 7
28776 AE02 Area Elective - II 3 - - 3 7
28776 CMPE371 Analysis of Algorithms 4 - 1 4 7
28776 CMPE416 Object - Oriented Programming and Graphical User Interfaces 4 - 1 4 7
28776 CMPE423 Embedded System Design 4 - 1 4 7
28776 CMPE466 Computer Graphics 4 - 1 4 7
28776 CMPE451 Information Security 4 1 1 4 7
28776 CMPE471 Automata Theory 4 - 1 4 7
28776 CMSE326 Software Quality Assurance and Testing 4 - 1 4 7
28776 CMSE321 Software Requirements Analysis and Specification 4 - 1 4 7
28777 IENG420 Fundamentals of Engineering Economy 3 - - 3 3
28777 UE03 University Elecitive - III 3 - - 3 3
28777 IENG450 Industrial Management 3 - - 3 3
28777 ECON101 Introduction to Economics - I 3 - 1 3 3
Semester 8
28781 INFE406 Graduate Design Project 3 1 - 3 8
28782 CMPE371 Analysis of Algorithms 4 - 1 4 7
28782 CMPE416 Object - Oriented Programming and Graphical User Interfaces 4 - 1 4 7
28782 CMSE326 Software Quality Assurance and Testing 4 - 1 4 7
28782 CMPE466 Computer Graphics 4 - 1 4 7
28782 CMPE451 Information Security 4 1 1 4 7
28782 CMPE471 Automata Theory 4 - 1 4 7
28782 CMSE321 Software Requirements Analysis and Specification 4 - 1 4 7
28782 AE03 Area Elective - III 3 - - 3 7
28782 CMPE423 Embedded System Design 4 - 1 4 7
28783 AE04 Area Elective - IV 3 - - 3 7
28783 CMSE326 Software Quality Assurance and Testing 4 - 1 4 7
28783 CMSE321 Software Requirements Analysis and Specification 4 - 1 4 7
28783 CMPE371 Analysis of Algorithms 4 - 1 4 7
28783 CMPE416 Object - Oriented Programming and Graphical User Interfaces 4 - 1 4 7
28783 CMPE423 Embedded System Design 4 - 1 4 7
28783 CMPE466 Computer Graphics 4 - 1 4 7
28783 CMPE451 Information Security 4 1 1 4 7
28783 CMPE471 Automata Theory 4 - 1 4 7
28784 UE04 Uni.Elecitive - IV 3 - - 3 3
28785 IENG355 Ethics in Engineering 3 - - 3 3
28785 PHIL401 Ethics in Professional Life 3 - - 3 3

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